
IXWebHosting美国主机IXWebHosting以其多达15个独立IP而吸引了很多国内的用户。另外,IXWebHosting支持支付宝 (Alipay)付款以及是可随时退款的美国主机等特点(看看北山说说 IXWebHosting主机),让其更加诱人。



Apr. 9, 2010 20:34:49  提交的退款申请Ticket

Apr 14, 2010 15:37:33  Ticket Status was changed from On-Hold to Waiting

下面是那位网友通过Live Chat与IXWebhosting支持的对话:

you: ANYTIME Money Back Guarantee
you: Is it real?
Oleg Barannik: Yes, sure.
you: but I can not receive my money back
Oleg Barannik: Please provide me your ticket ID.
you: Ticket ID#73531204221
Oleg Barannik: Please hold on, let me check
you: ok
you: 1-800-385-0450 outside USA: +1 (614) 534-1961, never response, it is really a cheat line
you: did you see anything wrong?
Oleg Barannik: Handling your request may take a few more minutes. Please stay online
you: the ticket was not updated since April 16
you: ok
Oleg Barannik: Your ticket is under processing currently. Our cancellation team will complete with your request. We’ll inform you by email at once it would be completed. Please wait for reply and thank you for contacting us
you: You see, the ticket was created 11 days ago
you: 6 days no update
you: it seems not normal, why like this?
you: how to submit my complaint?
Oleg Barannik: You can submit your complaint through ticket or call us. I am very sorry for the ticket delay.
you: ticket no reply
you: phone no response, this is ixwebhosting
you: i never use such hosting plan
you: Do you have other email, which offer customers support?
Oleg Barannik: Unfortunately not. Kindly please wait for the ticket response.
you: Yes, I will. Because no other choice
you: Thank you very much for your helps
Oleg Barannik: You are welcome



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8 Comments to “IXWebHosting–申请退款12天未果”

  1. 世纪之光 says:

    April 22nd, 2010 at 10:40 pm



  2. 小A says:

    April 23rd, 2010 at 7:23 am


  3. Greenspan says:

    April 23rd, 2010 at 11:08 am


  4. 世纪之光 says:

    April 23rd, 2010 at 5:43 pm


  5. 猴子 says:

    April 23rd, 2010 at 6:21 pm


  6. Beishan says:

    April 23rd, 2010 at 10:44 pm


  7. 21 says:

    April 30th, 2010 at 11:46 am

    路漫漫其修远兮~ 吾将退款求尔~

  8. Fws says:

    May 18th, 2010 at 5:57 am

    实际上IX退款还是挺简单呢..  几天没回复你ticket上加一条好了…

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